A Little About Me:

Hi, I’m Courtney, your Thrifty Style Maven. I live in Florida. I have a degree in English, and spent many years as a teacher before leaving the profession to stay at home with my daughter. I’m now enjoying life as a fashion and thrifting content creator and freelance writer. My hobbies include: reading, watching documentaries, and thrifting (hence why I make so much content about thrifting). Other than this blog, you can also find my content on YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram.

I hope you enjoy my site. Don’t forget to sign up for my mailing list.

Stay bright, Live True, and be Vividly You,


Join The Bright Side


Vividly Bright is my little space on the internet where we shine, grow, and live our best lives. My goal is to inspire you to build your confidence, love your body, and define your style. I don’t do this by pushing a ton of expensive clothing items and trendy pieces. Rather, I challenge you to shop second hand, stock up on essentials, and get creative with the clothes in your closet. Through my weekly blog post and biweekly YouTube videos, I will stretch your style muscle and encourage you to do three things:

Stay bright:

This simply means being positive about your wardrobe, body, and budget. I’m not encouraging toxic positivity where bad days are forbidden. I’m simply saying be positive about your body and your wardrobe in the now. Love your body where it is while you change and grow. Love your closet and clothes while you are developing your sense of style. Life is all about moving and building. Love yourself right now and stay bright as you trek through your path.

Live True:

I want you to curate a style that is uniquely you. Try things you haven’t tried. Put on the dress that you bought and have been saving for a special occasion. Guess what? Life is a special occasion and every day should be a celebration—dress accordingly. Create an aesthetic that feels good, looks good, and helps you shine.

Be Vividly You:

The last one is simple, I want you to shine bright and be unapologetically you.